March has always been a special month for me, and this year, it looks like the gods have chosen to smile on me more than ever. Now add to that the fact that almost right smack in the middle of the month, we get to celebrate Pi Day…life is just beautiful, isn’t it?
Sure, you and I have been made aware of the “other side” of the equation – that “pi is a lie“. Still, I don’t believe we should pass up on Pi Day just because of the strong argument the Tau camp has set forth.
Today, we celebrate the wonderful thing that is pi. As it usually is every year, local groups and individuals have their own special ways of celebrating Pi Day. At San Francisco’s Exploratorium, there is a bunch of events especially created for Pi Day.
For those of us who may not have access to cool Pi Day events, there are still a lot of things that we can do. You have heard and seen the Sound of Pi, which makes for pretty good background music. Who says you can’t watch it today over and over again?
Here’s a different take on the sound of pi, to the tune of … you’ll know when you hear.
Now if it’s chow you’re looking for, PCWorld has an easy recipe for Apple Pi Pie.
Last, but not the least, why don’t you send your friends a card for Pi Day? Better yet, why not send us one? ;)
Happy Pi Day, everyone. Whatever you do, don’t do anything we wouldn’t!